
2023-07-12 17:43:42

1.燃燒器的組成 一個完整的燃燒器通常包括燃料噴嘴、配風器和燃燒道三部分 燃料噴嘴是供給燃料并使燃料完成燃燒前準備的部件燃料油噴嘴的主要任務是使燃料油霧化并形成便于與空氣混合的霧化炬外混式燃料氣噴嘴將燃料氣分散成細流,并以恰當的角度導入燃燒道,以便與空氣良好混合。

預混式燃料氣噴嘴則使將燃料氣和空氣均勻混合后供給燃燒的 配風器的作用是使燃燒空氣與燃料良好混合并形成穩定而符合要求的火焰形狀特別是在燒燃料油的情況下,為了保證重質燃料油燃燒良好,除了使之良好霧化外,還必須有良好的配風器,使空氣和迅速、完善的混合。

尤其是在火焰根部必須保證有足夠的空氣供應,以避免燃料油受熱時因缺氧而裂解,產生黑煙 燃燒道也稱火道,其作用有三:燃燒道耐火材料蓄積的熱量為火焰的根部提供了熱源,加速燃料油的蒸發和著火,有利于形成穩定的燃燒,這一點對爐膛溫度較低的管式爐尤為重要。

其次是它能約束空氣,迫使其與燃料混合而不致散溢第三是與配風器一起使氣流形成理想的流型 2.燃燒器的技術性能 (1)在爐型結構、物料物性、燃燒器臺數相同時,管式加熱爐輻射室的傳熱量隨火焰高度的降低而增加輻射室傳熱量增加,對流室傳熱量必定下降。

由于輻射室爐管平均表面熱強度是對流室爐管平均表面熱強度的2倍,輻射室傳熱量增加和對流室傳熱量下降必然使得全爐爐管平均表面熱強度提高 (2)對強制供風的燃燒器,除非有特殊的高空氣壓降要求和備用風機的條件,否則必須同時在自然通風的條件下滿足加熱爐正常負荷的要求,即在設計燃燒器時,必須首先考慮自然供風的條件。

(3)燃燒器的安全操作是非常重要的,在以人為本安全生產越來越重要的今天,每臺燃燒器設置長明燈成為必需長明燈的燃料氣管線必須是單獨的,且壓力穩定不受主瓦斯調節的影響 a.負壓爐,燃燒器的長明燈必須用自吸式供風,且風量可以調節。

b.正壓爐,燃燒器長明燈必須有單獨的、穩定的供風源(如儀表風),并且有壓力顯示另外長明燈很不錯加裝自動點火裝置中譯英: 1 The burner A complete burner generally includes a fuel nozzle, an air distribution device and a three portion of combustion.。

Fuel nozzle is supplied to the fuel and the fuel complete combustion before preparation of components. Fuel oil nozzle of the main task is to make the fuel oil atomization and formed to be mixed with air spray torch. External mixing type fuel gas nozzle fuel gas is dispersed into small streams, and in the right perspective into combustion, so that with good air mixing. Premixed fuel gas nozzle makes the fuel gas and the air are uniformly mixed to supply combustion.

Air distribution device that is the role of the combustion air and fuel mixture and the formation of good stable and meet the requirements of the flame shape. Especially in the case of burning fuel oil, heavy fuel oil combustion in order to ensure the good, but the good atomization, must also have good air distribution device, so that the air and rapid, sound mixing. Especially in the flame root must ensure that sufficient air supply, in order to avoid fuel oil when heated due to hypoxia and cracking, black smoke.

Also known as fire burning channel, its role has three: burning channel refractory material accumulation heat as the root of the flame provides a source of heat, accelerating fuel oil evaporation and ignition, conducive to the formation of stable combustion, a low temperature of the furnace tube furnace is very important. The second is that it can restrain the air, forcing it to mix with fuel and not casual overflow. Third and an air distribution device with airflow to form a desired pattern.

2 Burner technology performance (1) in the furnace structure, material properties, the number of the same burner, tubular heating furnace heat transfer with the flame height decreases. Radiation chamber heat convection chamber increases, heat transfer will decrease. Due to the radiation chamber furnace tube average heat intensity of the surface of convection chamber of furnace tube is2 times of the average heat intensity of the surface of the radiation chamber, heat convection and heat transfer increases the inevitable decline makes the furnace tube surface heat intensity increase average.

(2) the forced air supply to the burner, unless there is a specific air pressure drop and standby fan condition, otherwise must at the same time in natural ventilation conditions to meet the heating furnace normal load requirements, namely in the design of burner, must first consider the natural air supply conditions.

(3) the burner operation safety is very important, in a people-oriented safety is increasingly important today, each burner is arranged lamp become necessary. Pilot lamp fuel line must be a single, high and stable pressure gas regulating effect.

a Vacuum furnace, burner burning lamps must use self suction air supply, and air volume can be adjusted.

b Positive pressure furnace, burner lamp must have a separate, stable supply source(such as instrument air), and the pressure display. Another pilot lamp preferably with automatic ignition device.



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