
2023-07-12 17:49:30

聚乙烯醇溶解加溫,應保證車間生產設備正常運行情況下進行,避免進、回油降溫幅度過大,造成用電量負荷大,燒毀變壓器,造成安全責任事故 接到加溫通知后,在進、回油溫度正常滿足車間膠粉正常運行的前提下啟動導熱油爐送、引風機待正常運行后,在設定進油溫度接近或低于2—3℃,回油溫度不低于200℃時,開啟熱交換器進、回油閥門(先開回油閥,后開進油閥)2—3絲。


但壓力嚴禁超過4kg,嚴格避免造成人身安全傷害事故 加溫完成(配料崗位應及時通知),不得完全關閉熱交換器閥門,應開啟進、回油閥門1—2絲進行預熱,盡量保持1kg壓力避免加溫時進、回油溫度降幅過大,影響車間車間生產設備正常運行。

中譯英: Dissolution of the polyvinyl alcohol heating, should ensure that the workshop production equipment under the conditions of normal operation, avoid, return oil cooling rate is too large, resulting in electricity load transformer, burned, resulting in the accident.

Received notice in heating, the oil return temperature, normal to meet the normal operating under the premise of plant powder. Start the heat-conducting oil furnace feeding, draught fan for normal operation, in the setting of oil inlet temperatures near or below 2℃-3 ℃, the oil return temperature is below 200 ℃, open the heat exchanger, the oil return valve(to open the oil valve, oil valve after into) 2-3 wire. Preheat, ensure the heat-conducting oil furnace oil return temperature not lower than 200 DEG C, and preheating after 30 minutes, and then gradually open the heat exchanger, the oil return valve, the industrious observation oil into, oil return temperature decreases, the timely adjustment of inlet oil return valve, gradually boost to 3.5kg. Pressure reaches 3.5, should often observed heat exchanger pressure gauge reading changes, should try to keep the pressure of 3.5kg, according to the reading must be adjusted in time, change in the oil return valve. But the pressure shall not exceed 4kg, strictly avoid safety accidents.

After heating(ingredients post shall promptly notify), may not be fully closed valve should be opened into the heat exchanger, the oil return valve,1-2 wire. Preheating, try to keep the pressure of 1kg. Avoid heating inlet, oil return temperature falling too far, affect the normal operation of the equipment of workshop production workshop.



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