
2023-07-12 17:55:26


用熱媒介質代替蒸汽作熱源,解決了蒸汽使用效率低、廢水量大的問題,大大降低了能源消耗 新蒸氨工藝與舊蒸氨工藝比較:不用蒸汽年少產生污水21.02萬t,氨利用率提高78%,熱效率提高54.2%,焦化工序噸焦能耗降低22.16kg標煤。

即蒸氨塔中的直接蒸汽改為塔底出來的蒸氨廢水用導熱油間接加熱后的蒸汽 原理與粗苯的管式爐加熱相似,就是用煤氣加熱,其實是導熱油加熱爐,把導熱油溫度加熱后,用導熱油來給剩余氨水加熱,再用導熱油給再沸器提供熱源,用再沸器給蒸氨塔提供熱源,這樣剩余氨水就可以蒸氨了。

總之,要有熱源來給導熱油加熱 蒸汽一直是焦化化工生產過程中所依賴的很主要的能源介質,人們并沒有認識到它是一種劣質低效的能源一方面是其本身傳熱效率不高;另一方面難以重復利用,變成冷凝水后成為生產污水中譯英:

Ammonia production with heat conducting oil instead of steam heating, the principle is to coke oven gas as fuel to heat conduction to improve heat conducting oil temperature, instead of steam for ammonia production, the purpose is to improve the efficiency of ammonia evaporation, stable production, reduce the production energy consumption, improve the operating environment. Heat conducting oil is an organic carrier, it has good fluidity, high temperature resistance, good thermal stability, oxidation resistance, thermal conductivity coefficient, non-toxic and tasteless, no corrosion.

With the heat medium instead of steam as a heat source, solves the steam use efficiency is low, the problem of large amount of waste water, greatly reduces energy consumption.

The new ammonia distillation and old ammonia process comparison: no steam was produced210200 t ammonia water, improve the utilization rate of 78%, thermal efficiency is increased by 54.2% tons of coke, coking process energy consumption reduced22.16kg of standard coal. The ammonia distillation tower in the direct steam to bottom out ammonia waste water with heat conducting oil indirectly heated steam.

Principle and crude benzol pipe type heating furnace is similar, with gas heating, is actually a heat conducting oil heating furnace, the heat conducting oil temperature after heating, the heat conducting oil to the residual ammonia by heat conducting oil heating, to provide the heat source with a reboiler, reboiler for ammonia evaporation tower provides a source of heat, such as residual ammonia water can the ammonia. In short, to heat to the heat conducting oil heating.

The steam has been the coking chemical process depends on the energy of the most media, people dont realize it is an inferior inefficient energy. One is its own heat transfer efficiency is not high; on the other hand, it is difficult to reuse, into a condensate into production wastewater.



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