
2023-07-12 18:39:20

燃燒器油泵維護和保養(yǎng)如下: (1)檢查燃燒器油泵及管路及結(jié)合處有無松動現(xiàn)象用手轉(zhuǎn)動燃燒器油泵,試看燃燒器油泵是否靈活 (2)向軸承體內(nèi)加入軸承潤滑機油,觀察油位應(yīng)在油標的中心線處,潤滑油應(yīng)及時更換或補充。

(3)擰下燃燒器油泵泵體的引水螺塞,灌注引水(或引漿) (4)關(guān)好出水管路的閘閥和出口壓力表及進口真空表 (5)點動電機,試看電機轉(zhuǎn)向是否正確 (6)開動電機,可調(diào)壓渣油泵當燃燒器油泵正常運轉(zhuǎn)后,打開出口壓力表和進口真空泵,視其顯示出適當壓力后逐漸打開閘閥,同時檢查電機負荷情況。

(7)盡量控制燃燒器油泵的流量和揚程在標牌上注明的范圍內(nèi),以保證燃燒器油泵在高效率點運轉(zhuǎn),才能獲得很大的節(jié)能效果 (8)高壓渣油泵在運行過程中,軸承溫度不能超過環(huán)境溫度35C,高溫度不得超過80C (9)如發(fā)現(xiàn)燃燒器油泵有異常聲音應(yīng)立即停車檢查原因。

(10)燃燒器油泵要停止使用時,先關(guān)閉閘閥、壓力表,然后停止電機 (11)燃燒器油泵在工作排名靠前個月內(nèi),經(jīng)100小時更換潤滑油,以后每個500小時,換油一次 (12)經(jīng)常調(diào)整填料壓蓋,保證填料室內(nèi)的滴漏情況正常(以成滴漏出為宜)。

(13)定期檢查軸套的磨損情況,磨損較大后應(yīng)及時更換 (14)KCB-300在寒冬季節(jié)使用時,停車后,需將泵體下部放水螺塞擰開將介質(zhì)放凈防止凍裂 (15)燃燒器油泵長期停用,需將泵全部拆開,擦干水分,將轉(zhuǎn)動部位及結(jié)合處涂以油脂裝好,妥善保管。

中譯英: Burner oil pump maintenance and repair are as follows: (1) check the burner oil pump and pipe and joint with or without loosening. Hand rotating burner oil burner pump, it is flexible.

(2) to the bearing is added in the bearing lubricating oil, the oil level should observe in the center line of standard oil, lubricating oil should be replaced or supplemented.

(3) burner pump water diversion plug, pouring water diversion(or slurry). (4) close the outlet pipeline valve and outlet pressure gauge and vacuum gauge.

(5) move the motor, when the motor turning right or not. (6) to actuate the motor, adjustable pressure slag pump when the burner pump in normal operation, to open the outlet pressure gauge and vacuum pump, depending on their show proper pressure gradually to open the valve, and check the motor load.

(7) to control the burner pump flow and head in signs marked on the range, to ensure that the burner pump at maximum efficiency point operation, in order to achieve maximum energy saving effect.

(8) high slag pump during operation, the bearing temperature can not be higher than ambient temperature 35C, the highest temperature shall not exceed 80C.

(9) as found in burner pump abnormal sound should stop and check the reason. (10) burner pump to stop, and then close the valve, pressure gauge, then stop the motor.

(11) burner pump at work within the first month, 100 hours after the replacement of lubricants, later every 500 hours, oil once.

(12) often adjust gland packing leakage, ensure indoor normal(to drop out as appropriate). (13) periodically check the wear sleeve, large wear should be replaced after.

(14) KCB-300 in the winter season, when in use, after stopping the pump, the lower part of the body drain plug unscrew medium placed net. To prevent the frost crack.

(15) long-term disabling burner oil pump, the pump all open, dry moisture, the rotating part and combine apply grease to pack, safekeeping.



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